Friday 12 April 2013


Nigeria, the giant of Africa, is a nation in which there are many opportunities for those who are really in search of them. So many employment opportunities abound which one could cash into without going through excruciating processes. For instance, its only in Nigeria that one can start up a school without first securing a license from the government. Therefore, it is surprising to know that despite all the opportunities in Nigeria, Nigerians still complain of unemployment and unavailability of mouth watering opportunities. The truth is that opportunities abound in Nigeria but Nigerians are too myopic to realize them. Hence, this article brings to light the numerous fertile fields in Nigeria which turn those who cultivate them into instant millionaires without necessarily putting them through hell.


Nigeria is a developing country and therefore, is assailed by so many economic, social, and political problems. For instance, in Nigeria, getting a visa to travel abroad is as difficult as getting an admission into any one of the few substandard universities in the country. Besides, though the country has oil, petroleum products are as expensive as gold and plans are under way to increase them even more. The nation is presently bereft of experienced medical practitioners and medical equipments. Therefore, a woman delivering her baby in a Nigerian Hospital is like committing suicide because the chances of her surviving is 50-50. Even if she is having a heart transplant! All these and more disconcert Nigerians all the time and due to the intensity and importunity of these problems, Nigerians become prone to seeking solutions to their problems any how and any where they can. As a matter of fact, most Nigerians do not give a hoot about the God that answers their prayers, nor do they care about how such God does it. They just want their problems solved! If therefore, a person comes out, claiming he has a panacea to their ordeals, they swarm to him like flies to a dirty kitchen.
Nigerian clergies are the richest men in the country! The ones in the higher echelon own private Jets and move around in tall convoys. The power these men wield over Nigerians is inconceivable. If they say “Let there be peace” peace flourishes. And if they say “let there be war” the whole place rocks in bedlam. The most amazing thing about the opportunities provided by religion is the fact that they do not need to be approved or licensed by any one. You can just pick up your bible or Koran right now and claim to be a servant of God. If you act as well as Nkem Owoh, you can be rest assured of the fact that people will follow and obey your every whim! Hunger and humiliation will become a thing of the past for you.
This is one field of opportunities you can be guaranteed bountiful harvest if you cultivate.


though they are besieged by so many problems and shortcomings, Nigerians love enjoying themselves and the major ways through which they do that is singing and dancing. In this nation, you don’t have to be talented to make amazing sums of money through music. All you need to do is make sure that your music is danceable. How philosophical your lyrics are doesn’t matter. You can make good money out of Nigerians if you sing “ I dey chop o” to good beats for four minutes. Musicians in Nigeria are another group of people that eat tapioca pudding with a soup full of meat. Not only do the youths fall head over heels in love with them, companies and institutions also scramble for them with whopping sums of money just to get them to endorse their brands of products. A few years back, D banj, a Nigerian Musician who has no musical “ta” talk more of “lent” was given the jaw dropping sum of 750 Million Naira, just to endorse Globacom Nigeria!
Other ways by which musicians keep their bank accounts swelling include organizing shows, making celebrity appearances at events and of course, using their celebrity power to befriend those within the corridors of power like presidents and governors. In fact, being a musician in Nigeria is just like serving God. It has so many advantages and yet has no disadvantage. If you are reading this article on an empty stomach, why not grab a guitar and a piece of paper and write a song now? No matter how insane your song is, you are bound to make money from it!
The Nigerian music industry is becoming more lucrative than the oil industry. Cultivate this large field of opportunities and you’ll be rich for eternity

Partisan Politics:

In Nigeria, we do not practice democracy alone. We practice democracy entwined with plutocracy. Now, for those of us who skipped government classes back in secondary school, plutocracy is a system of government in which the rich rule or dominate the government. Absolute plutocracy is what we have in this country. No poor man can rise to any substantial political position except of course, if he has a God father playing the beats behind him. As a result of this, during election periods, party members, especially those lucky enough to be made delegates, accrue jaw-dropping sums of money. It was once reported that a presidential aspirant under the umbrella of PDP once gave every delegate of the party 20 million Naira each! Just imagine what one could accomplish with that elephant sum!
The person who did this was once a governor, so it is no secret how he got such amount of money. In Nigeria, corruption doesn’t exist; it lives! But that doesn’t matter for now. What matters is that middle and lower class citizens like you and I can amass millions, if not billions of Naira, if we join a political party today and play our cards well.
Start looking for a political party to join now. If you ask me, I’ll strongly recommend PDP. They pay top money there.

Belligerence or militancy:

in any other country, asking anyone to become a militant would be giving the person a malevolent piece of advice. But here in Nigeria, being a militant is more lucrative than being a bank manager. To start with, the Nigerian Armed forces are mere jokes. Their weapons are not only outdated; they are also very few. The staff of the police and other armed forces of this country receive peanuts as salaries and also serve under very pitiable conditions. Hence, if you can be as courageous as to buy a brand new AK47 rifle, a few bombs and get your friends to join you to become a militant; the police would take to their heels immediately they see you.
Kidnap a few people, kill a few others and threaten to bomb the house of assembly and you’ll see the federal government seeking ways through which to placate you- just like bees search for honey! Now, when the federal government is out to cut a deal with you; that means freedom from poverty! It will never be found in your lineage again – except of course, if you spend a million Naira every day.
Every cloud has a silver lining, they say. Here in Nigeria, the excruciating ordeals we citizens face are so fervent that while seeking ways out of them, we create juicy opportunities for ourselves. It takes good thinking to realize them and the ones above are just but a few of them.
Till I write you again, try exploring the above mentioned opportunities…Except the last one of course!

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