Friday 12 April 2013

Mistakes Men Make While Asking Ladies Out !!!!!!!!

The art of wooing is a delicate phenomenon which must be performed creatively in order to achieve desired results. Owing to the ignorance of some men as to the existence of certain silent donts while hitting on chics, they have begun to see girls and women as a specie of good-looking “aliens”, who are more weird than an adjective can describe.
This conclusion is often arrived at, after trying severally to win a lady’s heart without success. However, the truth remains that women are mere human beings who appreciate good things, and deprecate bad ones. Hence, if you are one of those guys who is still yet to take a regular Alicia out, there must be something you are not doing right!
Hopefully, your problems are about to be solved, as below are the most common mistakes men, or boys, make while wooing ladies.
Being Timid
A guy I know once met a girl on his way to the stadium. Having foiled many attempts to get a girlfriend, he reached deep into the recess of his balls and mustered up a thousand tons of courage to speak with her. On getting there, his morale miscarried, and our guy lost his sense of speech, sense of touch, and judging from the way he moped at her, I think he lost his sense of sight too. As if enough harm wasn’t done already, his feet were also shaking like that of a mango tree in a storm!

Looking at the way that girl laughed, am sure she was very happy to have met our guy that morning. But gee! Would she date him for the world? I DON’T THINK SO!
Shyness is natural. Shyness is involuntary. Shyness is cool in a way. But wake up, bro; shyness cant get you ANYTHING in life. Always bear that in mind while talking to a girl. Another tip that might help you get over your uneasiness with the female gender is for you to gesticulate with all parts of your body while speaking. Move your hands. Shift from one foot to the other. Act like you are a happy little boy by kicking an imaginary ball in the air. These actions, as out of place as they may seem, help exhaust some of those tense feelings that make you look bad before dear Alicia!

The nature of the discussion you have with her
Now we are getting somewhere. After you’ve met, become friends, and scheduled a date without any accidents or mishaps (you know what I mean) , you are definitely going to get to that fearful stage where you both rub minds for the first time. This stage is delicate as the topics you discuss with your Alicia on your first date goes a long way to determine if she will think about you all through the night…. Or laugh about you with her friends, all through a night, most miserable for poor you.

Some guys actually start such conversations with “Are you born again?”. How naive! Even if the girl you are wooing is a nun who jumps at every opportunity to talk about how dearly she loves Jesus, raising a topic like this one will only make you her potential convert, or spiritual child – not the lover you desire to be! Another total turn off is politics. We all know you spend half your income reading newspapers, and you don’t know who Justine Bieber is, because you are often too busy watching CNN but bro, that wealth of knowledge won’t get you very far on your first date.

Ideal topics of conversation should be focused on your personal experiences. If the girl is shy, or reticent, do not push her to speak. Loosen her lips by relishing on some of the naughty things you did as a kid. Funny occurrences in your life are life savers in such circumstances as nothing pays more than putting a smile on her face by letting her into your life. If you do this well, and all other factors are equal, she is bound to let you in on her own life and bro; if that happens then I suggest you go buy yourself a pack of condoms… it might come in handy!
Its quite surprising to note that some men still go after ladies with an odour hanging in their mouths, or their clothes smelling to high heavens. For goodness sake, girls are cleanliness freaks! They wash their hair many times a week, polish and cut their finger nails, and smell of all types of cosmetics and perfumes all day long – not to mention that they wash their mouths two to five times a day! Whats more, the typical female’s sense of smell is more sensitive than that of a typical male. So, if there’s so much as a speck of dirt on that jean of yours, don’t delude yourself by thinking our Alicia won’t notice. Matter of fact, she’ll laugh over it with her friends once you are done embarrassing yourself speaking with her.

Wash that socks of yours properly and if you don’t launder too well, get a dry cleaner to do the job. As for your mouth, nothing sucks more than a mouth odour and its therefore advisable that you wash your mouth before your first date and also get a chewing gum, or lick something that smells sweet. Remember that most of what you say to her will come out in whispers (that’s the romantic way). You should plume and groom yourself to perfection. Don’t worry, you can always make up for it by avoiding taking your bath for days, when you are done seeing Alicia. I mean, boys will be boys, right?

One more thing, your prof in the university probably told you that we human beings have natural fragrances which attract the opposite sex and of course, professors are always right. But you would do yourself a great deal of good by forgetting old prof’s idea while going to meet Alicia. Please reserve the natural fragrance for your male friends and anyone who doesn’t give a fuck about how you smell. While going to see Alicia, use a perfume! The most annoying thing about odours is that those who have it, hardly know they do and you don’t wanna leave anything of that sensitive nature to chance! Hence, use a modest perfume. It costs a dozen a dime these days.

Using an outlandish Language
Imagine a guy walking up to a lady in an environment where Yoruba is the language of the day, only to say “Hi, pretty? Can I get to know you?”

That is immature, fake, and totally not cool. Apart from the fact that the average second language speaker is vulnerable to a variety of grammar and pronunciation anomalies, Using a foreign language makes you appear to be trying to impress, and if you know what I know about women, you would understand why its important that she never sees you as one who is trying to impress her. It’s always better to start off on a local footing.

Apart from this, if foreign languages must be used, never use jaw breakers, unless they are ABSOLUTELY necessary.

Being cocky
Some guys expect girls to flock after them the minute they brandish their wraps of money notes. Some others wait by a street corner, and beckon on girls to come to them, expecting absolute obedience. How ridiculous! In the process of wooing a lady, you are expected to be strong, mature, and considerate. You are expected to show some level of self respect. But whatever you do, never ever try to act cocky.

Instead of beckoning on her to come to you (when you are only meeting for the first time), why not walk up to her and say hi? Instead of hitting her ass and saying “I know you want me” (believe me, some guys are actually do that!), why not reach for her hands, look into her eyes and say “you are beautiful”?

Humility, even when faked, is a virtue. It is a principal sign of maturity and it melts hearts faster than heat melts ice.

Girls are delicate, often selfless, and beautiful creatures who are more than willing to love you for who you are if they find themselves comfortable around you. Avoid the mistakes stated above when next you are off to Alicia’s place and just maybe you’ll land yourself with a truly charming girl

Thanks for coming thus far, lover boy. how about you also check out;

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