Friday 12 April 2013


Women are as strange as a heap of snow in eastern Nigeria. It is a lot easier to tell when Jesus would come, than to tell what a girl would do next. This alone has put many guys into emotional trauma. Some guys put in everything they have into their relationships, but only a few days later, the girl crashes it, and scurries away to another man. Honestly, this is painful, but it’s not unusual. Girls are not really crazy about what is right and what is wrong. However, they are all generally hardwired in the same way. They all react to certain stimuli. There are some rules which if a guy adheres to vociferously; they would start gravitating to him like termite flies to the floor. I’ve compiled some of these rules here and if you want to become a ladies’ man in the next few months, you are reading just the right article!
Be Patient!
Most guys I know simply meet the girls they like, walk up to them immediately and start professing their love to them like Romeo. This is just not good for the business of getting girls to like you. For all you know, if a girl doesn’t know you and you try to tell her how much you love her and stuff, she’ll merely see you as some loser trying to get into her pants. Girls react to emotions and you don’t give one emotions within the first few hours of meeting them. Why the rush then? Except you are a super star, or you are dashingly handsome, it would do you a lot of good to exercise patience each time you see a lady you like. Talk to her on mundane issues. Get to know her first (or at least, pretend to be getting to know her). Make her laugh. Try to establish a connection between the both of you, i.e; you might try joining her swimming society, or church. This way, she’ll grow fond of you and your job will be half done, if not done.
If you’ve ever met a girl, professed love to her and she agreed on the same day, it means that she -was either a flirt, or she terribly lacked class. Period!

Don’t Brag!
Girls want to date men who are alpha males-not men who say they are alpha males. As a matter of fact, a girl will find you a lot more interesting if you talk about how undisciplined you are, or how you can’t even boil hot water, than if you talk about how big your business is and how much money you have stashed away in some bank account. The only group of girls who would find this type of trash interesting are those of easy virtue. Never talk about how you beat up 5 guys at the same time for trying to fuck with you except it is really funny or necessary. Never talk about your heavily furnished apartment. Never talk about how the president is your best friend. Girls just don’t like braggarts. Whats more? They are not alone in that. No one likes braggarts!

Don’t push them:
Now, some guys actually delude themselves by thinking that when a girl says “no”, she means “you should keep trying as I’ll say “Yes” someday”. Now, in as much as this is occasionally true, girls just do not want you to haste them into a relationship and its absolutely true. Some guys find girls they like and attack them with incessant calls and messages, hoping to get a “yes” someday. The most obnoxious amongst them actually stalk them for hours, show up at their houses uninvited, or worse still, beg their friends, siblings, and relations to help them explain their undying love to the girl in question.

This is a total turn off! She would immediately lose every respect she had for you, and even if she eventually says yes, she would always know she has the upper hand-and you don’t want to be in a relationship where your girl has the upper hand. Instead of behaving this dumb, when you ask her out and she refuses, do not repeat yourself (its not like she has forgotten). Call her sparingly and expect her to return your calls as well. As a matter of fact, it is highly advisable to refrain from calling a girl who doesn’t call you. Each time you take two steps towards her, wait for her to take one step towards you before you continue with the 3rd step. This way, she would realize that you are not just some loser, trying to get something “higher” than you. She would see that you are confident, secured and enlightened. She would see that you believe yourself to be important. My many years of dealing with girls have thought me one lesson; they won’t hear you by your many words or even actions!
Never try to impress a girl with your money!
Some guys actually think they can turn a girl on by showering monetary presents or their equivalents on her. How wrong they are? If you have money, your chances of getting girls will increase greatly because your societal value will increase and being socially acceptable turns girls on so fast their heads usually spin. However, spending it on them makes little or no difference when it comes to how they truly feel about you. Remember, that am not talking about women of easy virtue here. We are talking about how to get decent, classy girls to fall in love with you and in this issue, money has but a very insignificant role to play.
Settle the bills whenever you go on a date with her. Buy her symbolical presents like flowers, perfumes, and under wears from time to time. But when it comes to doing things like paying for her house rent, getting her a car, or catering for her family; you can do all that for her and she would simply like you for your money-not for you. When the situation is this ugly, she becomes bound to cheat on you with other guys who she find attractive. When a typical guys discovers this, he starts ranting about how wicked all girls are- forgetting that instead of presenting himself, he presented his money to the girl and she fell for his money-not for him.

Become a Ladies Man today!
In conclusion, there are many rules, principles or tenets by which girls ought to be treated some of which are not even written here but they can all be summed up as this; Be the man and let her be the woman. Lead and never let her lead. Always have the upper hand, and let her know you have the upper hand.
Irrespective of how you look, you can get a whole bunch of classy girls for yourself if only you’ll apply some of these rules. Keep flirting till I sacrifice some of my flirting time to write you again.

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