Tuesday 16 April 2013


'Be slow to fall friendship but when thou in, continue from the constant remarked Socrates.Your association determine your accumulation, and your accumulation determines your acceleration. We are made by what we associate ourselves with in life.The question then is WHO IS YOUR FRIEND ? we knew ourselves as an individual but along the line, we are known by our association. you are the same today that you are going to be in five from now except for two things: the people whom you associate and the books you read.Dear, your best friends are those who brings out the best in you, because you will surely become like those whom you closely associate.

                     Who corrects you but do not judge you ?
                      who scold you when you fall below moral standard ?
                       who appreciate you when at your best   {or not } and still want more ?
                        who can you speak aloud to in your thought ?
                         who hear you silence when you speak no word ?
                          who knows all about you and still loves you ?
                           that fellow is your friend !!!!!!
A mirror reflects a man's face;but what he really likes is shown by the kind of friends he chooses. Choose your friend, hence they drag you along their decision, ideas and path they choose for destination and not yours. There is a need to define who we associate.There are good ships and there are bad ships, but but the best ships are your friends. there is an adage which says show me who you respect and i will show you your destiny. E.K piper said, ''keep out of the suction caused by those who drift  backwards'' friends, if you are in one that is undesirable, then it is time to act like a man of thoughts , thus, ''it takes a touch of genius and a lot of courage to move toward the opposite direction' observed .
make friends that will lift you and not those that will lean on you, because it's in essentially your choice to achieve your dreams in life.
Every friends made may either or mar you, chose friends that knows more,inspire mores, dream more, more smarter because you will eventually become like choose as friend s . Be gentle like a dove and wise as serpent. Remember.
                                    ''if you live with dog, you will rise with flea
                                       if associate with wolf  you will learn how to howl
                                        if  you fly with an eagle you will earn how to sow in a greater height''
people and things can stop you temporary, but you can stop your self permanently. mentorship is the key to extra_ordinate success, be as you want to be seen. Decide and choose what is best for your life John Mason discerned ''steer clear of negative_thinking experts. Remember, in the eyes of average people, average is always considered outstanding. look carefully at your closet associate,because it's an indication of the direction you're heading to.......

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